"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.
Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."
-Roald Dahl, The Minpins.
“Assassins”, A Debrief
The end of another show. Fulfilled.
When It All Goes Just a Little Bit Wrong
There is always a point in a rehearsal process where is seems like everything is akimbo and will never come together. In generally always does. But there are those infrequent few that don’t…
Stepping In
My times stepping into a role at the last minute and how fun that could be.
Assassinating Announcement
My current project and a fun announcement.
Auditioning, A Necessary Evil
The process of putting it all out there to be judged willingly.
Date Night Revisited
We finally had a date!
My Best Lives Lived
A snapshot into my very favorite roles I have played.
Finding Bravery
Giving myself the permission to accept a new solution…
Helen Ramstad-Lane, My Mother
My mother died March 16th, 2010. Every year on this day, I grieve her loss to the core.
38, A Thought or Two
I turned 38. Here are my revelations, of sorts.
A Tribute to Our Aria on Her Birthday
Not only is today the launch of “Big Sky and Wildflowers” but it is also this incredible woman’s birthday. I love her so!
Welcome to Heather Buck
An introduction to Heather. And my kiddos and what we hope to bring you in “Big Sky and Wildflowers”.